Audio Bible Project update

The Bible is the foundation of the Christian faith, and people must have access to it in their native language. Many people in Pakistan speak Urdu as their primary language, and our program seeks to make the Bible accessible to them. CFAM took the initiative to provide an audio Bible to those who are in need. Through regular listening to God’s audible Word, individuals are impacted, families are revived, and communities are transformed.

In addition to distributing the Bibles, we provide educational materials and resources to help people learn more about the Christian faith. We organize seminars and workshops where people can come together to learn about the Bible and its teachings. We partner with local churches to distribute free Bibles to their congregations and communities. This would involve providing the churches with free Bibles to distribute as they see fit. We currently have more than seven church partners and are providing free Urdu Bibles to them as per their needs.

The Bible says that “No one can come to God unless He draws them.” (John 6:44). This means that those who pursue God are doing so because of His supernatural influence. The Holy Spirit is moving in Pakistan! People are being saved. Entire brick kiln families and communities are hearing the Bible for the first time. There are no big churches. Not many pastors. Just humble, Spirit-filled servants of Christ using God’s gifts to reach real people in their communities. Now I’ve shared with you what is happening today in Pakistan because of the love and courage of our brothers and sisters at Christ For All Ministry, and through the leadership of their leaders and minister, Pastor Waseem Sohail, Evangelist Arshad, women group leader Siama, our Sunday school teachers and Brick kiln field officers.

God’s work is continuing, and the Holy Spirit is guiding our team in Pakistan. I want to ask you to pray about helping our team to put audio Bibles in the hands and homes of Pakistani people. It costs about 15 Canadian dollars to buy an all-in-one media player, preloaded with the entire Bible in audio format in the native Urdu language. Please, consider generously giving from the bounty that God has given you to the cause of God reaching Pakistan with the gospel. All the confirmation of what God is doing can be seen when you see the pictures of people receiving the gift of the Bible joyfully.