Behind The Bars Refugees!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to share something deeply impactful that happened to me on Friday, May 3, 2024. I received a call from Nouman, who had been captured a year ago. He shared with me his testimony over the phone, and it moved me deeply. Despite his circumstances, Nouman Riaz’s faith remains strong.

Nouman had to trade for a phone, paying 500 Thai baht, just to make this call. He described his life in prison over the past year—medically unwell, with skin diseases and black dots all over his body due to lack of sun. His meals consist only of rice and cucumber soup, barely filling his stomach. Basic needs like a proper place to sleep and sufficient food are luxuries. Even when someone visits him, he has to pay to receive extra food.

For a year, Nouman and his brother have been held in separate Thai jails without seeing each other. Yet, despite these hardships, Nouman remains faithful. He reads the Bible and prays among fellow prisoners, sharing his faith and encouraging others.

Let’s remember Nouman in our prayers. Despite his difficult situation, there’s a glimmer of hope—Nouman has received forms from the city of refuge and is awaiting his next steps. We’re helping him complete these forms. Also, his first national screening mechanism interview is done, but we’re waiting for the next step, which will determine whether he stays in Thailand or is deported.

Persecution against Christians in Pakistan persists in various forms. Nouman’s story is just one example. He had been in Thailand for 10 years before his arrest by Thai police.

Let’s pray for Nouman’s peace, patience, and God’s presence during his time in prison.

Encouragement Verse:

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

In conclusion, as Christ for All Ministry, we are seeking partnerships with churches to sponsor families through community sponsors and Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAH). Your prayers and support are invaluable as we continue our work in Pakistan and Thailand among our Christian brothers and sisters.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Thank you for your prayers and support.

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In Christ

Naeem Zafar