Covid-19 Response

The CFAM team in Pakistan has been busy in the last two months reaching and serving struggling Christian communities that have been impacted by the Covid -19 pandemic.  Much of Pakistan has been locked down due to the Covid – 19 situation and this has really impacted the poor Christian communities because many work as day labourers and have not been able to work. Unemployment is high and there is no safety net for these Christian communities. Many in these communities have had no work and no income and reports of starvation are already circulating. Families are missing meals and children are going hungry and much of the food aid that reaches Pakistan does not reach these communities. CFAM in Pakistan, with support from CFAM Canada has been busy supplying food to a number of these communities. So far more than 115 families have had food distributed to them: 20 families in Youhanabad,  40 families at Brick Kiln Haji Sharif,  55 families at Kasur Brick Kiln.  The staple foods that were selected and supplied were well planned and distributed to those most needing help.  In this we can see the advantage that CFAM Pakistan has by being close to those affected, understanding their needs and being able to meet them. We would like to be able to help more people in these communities as well as in other communities in the areas that are in need. We are continuing to fundraise to be able to help our Christian family in Pakistan.  We have been blessed with a very committed and hard working team in Pakistan who has a heart for their struggling Christian brothers and sisters as well as for the communities that they live in. We want to give them the best support we can, so our team is planning to distribute Urdu Bibles during our next food distribution programs. CFAM Pakistan is currently buying a vehicle so that they can travel to the more remote Christian communities with food as well as spending time in the more remote villages teaching Sunday schools and encouraging Christians there.

Please remember our Christian family in Pakistan, pray for them daily and please be generous in your support for them.  We need your prayers and your financial gifts to be a continuing part of our work; there is much work to be done and together we can support Christians in Punjab Pakistan as we still have 33 districts to reach.