Mission Trip to Bangkok Thailand December 2023

Dear beloved brothers and sisters,

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering prayers and support. I am back from my journey, and it has been a profound experience reconnecting with my homeland after seven years. The journey had its challenges, with a delayed departure from Vancouver and rigorous security checks during the transfer to China. Despite my initial apprehension upon arriving in Thailand due to a five-year ban, the grace of God, coupled with the Canadian Passport, facilitated a smooth entry.

Upon reaching the hotel, without even taking a moment to rest, I delved into planning and meetings. Kazu graciously met me at my brother’s place, and we engaged in a three-hour discussion for the upcoming days.

In this brief period, I had the privilege of meeting a hundred people on the first day, excluding children and youth. I attentively listened to their challenges and sorrows, noting that many are still awaiting sponsorship, with some enduring a decade-long plea for assistance. Click here to watch the video

It became apparent that, due to prolonged suffering and living in Thailand, there was a lack of unity among them, and mutual support was limited. In response, I shared the comforting words from 1 Peter chapter 2:9-10, reminding them of their identity in Christ. The scripture emphasizes that they are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for His possession.

Despite the hardships, some local organizations are providing support. I was particularly inspired by the dedication of CFAM Volunteers, who operate under the constant threat of arrest as illegal immigrants. Early into my visit, some families faced arrests, yet we pressed on, meeting with refugees and asylum seekers from morning till midnight.

The encounters were filled with stories, tears, and a profound sense of love. Although challenges persist, the foundation of relationships in Christ remains strong. I anticipate significant changes in their lives as government regulations evolve. I will keep you updated on the details of my mission trip in the upcoming blog.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Thank you for your support.

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