Report on Street Evangelism through Movie Showing of “Jesus” in Clark Abad

Report on Street Evangelism through Movie Showing of “Jesus” in Clark Abad

On Sunday, 28th July 2024, the CFAM-Pakistan team undertook an inspiring initiative of street evangelism by showing the movie “Jesus” in Clark Abad and Haji Gul Faraz district, Kasur, Punjab Pakistan. This initiative aimed to engage the local community in meaningful discussions about faith through compelling storytelling, introduce Biblically-based messages, and foster connections among individuals through shared experiences.


The primary objectives of the event were:

  1. Spark curiosity about faith by sharing the powerful story of Jesus.
  2. Encourage the audience to explore their spiritual journeys through the film’s teachings.
  3. Facilitate relationship-building among attendees centered on faith and mutual interests.

The CFAM team commenced their journey from Lahore at 2:00 PM. The first stop was at the Haji Gul Faraz Center, where the team received a warm welcome from teachers and students alike. During their visit, Mr. Arshad and Mr. Saimon assessed the knowledge of the Bible Time course among the students.

It was heartening to see that while many students showed enthusiasm and had good memories of Bible stories, they struggled with reading and writing. This prompted the team to consider establishing an evening coaching center in Haji Gul Faraz, focused on teaching Urdu literacy and basic arithmetic skills.

Following their uplifting visit to Haji Gul Faraz, the team proceeded to Clark Abad, where they repeated their engagement with the local center.

Upon arrival in Clark Abad, the team prepared for the movie screening. A significant challenge arose with a power outage in the village, which delayed the assembly of the audience. Despite this setback, the team remained committed to their mission. The show commenced at 8:30 PM, following an opening prayer led by Brother Sohail, and concluded at 10:40 PM.

The response from the village elders was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the efforts of CFAM-Pakistan. One elder reminisced about a similar screening of the Jesus movie nearly 27 years ago, remarking on its lasting impact.

Parents and other community members hailed the event as an excellent means to educate the illiterate about the Word of God, recommending that these movie shows be organized as a series showcasing Biblical stories.

Throughout the screening, parents were seen engaging with their children, explaining various events and encouraging them to express their excitement through applause during significant moments.

Some audience members were so emotionally invested in the film that they were moved to tears during poignant scenes.

The evening concluded with a prayer led by Brother Samuel Imran, thanking the Lord for the successful event and for keeping everyone safe. The CFAM team achieved its objectives of capturing interest, conveying Biblical messages, and fostering community connections through this impactful street evangelism initiative.

We look forward to sharing further developments surrounding our educational initiatives prompted by this event and appreciate your continued support in our mission.