Sunday School Visit

On January 24, 2021 the CFAM team in Pakistan traveled to one of the communities the team is running a Sunday School program since the restart  due to Covid-19.  The team traveled to the Shiekhupura district to the school in Phularwan.  The CFAM team wanted to see how the new program was running, how the team could help the teachers and what could be done to improve the program.

The CFAM team traveled with five teachers from other areas with the hope that all the teachers would have an opportunity to see how other Sunday School programs were running, to learn from each other and to share songs, lessons and materials.

Once the CFAM team arrived, a little late due to bad weather and heavy fog, they were very pleased with how the teachers were running the Sunday School program.  The team spoke to the teachers about encouraging the students to bring their brothers, sisters and neighbours so they can increase the class size and strengthen each other.  The teachers also gave feedback to the team on the program and how the students were doing.

Due to the bad weather the students left early that day but the CFAM team took the opportunity to have a team building workshop with all the teachers present, as Mrs. Perveen the lead teacher from the Pather-wali Sunday School was there as well.  Mrs. Najma led the workshop on team building, good lesson planning and how to share their knowledge among each other to improve their teaching.  The workshop also stressed how it is very important for the teachers to see themselves as ambassadors for Christ in their work and to teach their students to be ambassadors as well.  Mrs. Perveen shared new teaching ideas, songs, stories and her experience was shared between the teachers.  The team also took the time to focus on the teachers and students building a relationship with God as the key for real wisdom and love.

Over all the trip was very well received by the teachers, the team saw the Sunday School was being run well and the teachers really appreciated the training and sharing of ideas and experience to help them as they work to grow the program.