Our Work

Take a quick look at our work in this video

Our programs include Sunday School, Youth Group, Women’s Bible Study Group, and Youth Seminars on biblical topics to defend the faith. We also work with independent churches in various communities, including villages and rural areas.  

Sunday Schools

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52)

The Importance of Early Years (0-5 years):

The first 12 years of a child’s life are crucial. We emphasize that children should learn from their parents during the first five years. Therefore, parents must communicate with us to understand the urgency of establishing a strong biblical foundation.

The Critical Stage (5-11 years):

Ages 5 to 11 are particularly significant for children to delve deeper into God’s word. This period is crucial to prevent them from getting lost when they reach 12 years old, much like how Jesus was found in the temple, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Transitional Age (12 years and beyond):

Once children turn 12, they are at a crossroads where they either stray from their faith or accept Jesus and seek to learn more about Him. This age is crucial for them to learn to defend their faith.

Youth programs for individuals aged 13 and above

Christ for All Ministry offers youth programs for individuals aged 13 and above, focusing on Bible study courses. These programs are designed to engage young people in a deeper understanding of the Bible and its teachings, helping them to develop a strong personal faith.

Youth Seminar Program:

Introduction: The Youth Seminar Program is meticulously designed to engage and empower young individuals, helping them delve deeper into the life and teachings of Christ. Our primary objective is to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate life’s challenges while carrying their crosses. Through this program, we aim to foster a profound relationship with God through Christ and instill values that align with His teachings.

Women’s Bible Study

Christ for All Ministry highlights the significance of women’s Bible study in empowering women to nurture their children with strong Christian values from an early age. They believe that when women are well-versed in the teachings of the Bible, they can effectively impart these lessons to their children, laying a solid foundation for their spiritual growth.

Bible Project

The Audio Bible Project: Bringing God’s Word to Pakistan

The Bible is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, serving as a guide for countless believers worldwide. It is of utmost importance that people have access to the Bible in their native language, and this holds for many Urdu-speaking individuals in Pakistan. Our initiative, led by Christ for All Ministry (CFAM), is dedicated to making the Bible accessible to them.

Initiating the Audio Bible

CFAM has taken a bold step by providing audio Bibles to those in dire need. We aim to ensure that the transformative power of the Bible can reach even those who may struggle with reading it in its traditional written form.